Blondie: Rock Goddess with a Heart of Glass

3 Oct


Debbie Harry was one of my first crushes. A beautiful and talented rock goddess who was essentially a supermodel when she hit the stateside music scene in 1977 with her band, Blondie.


My older brother had a poster of Debbie up in his room but I never made the connection of who she was until I heard “Hearts Of Glass”, the band’s first hit single in 1977. Debbie was not just a pretty face, but a full-throated lead singer about to explode.


I wasn’t old enough to go to any of her concerts over the next several years as she dominated the airwaves with singles “Call Me”, “Atomic”, and the aforementioned “Hearts of Glass.” But thanks to MTV, I got to marvel at how beautiful and artistic she was live on stage, in music videos and movie cameos.


Debbie had a raw, fearless sexuality on stage. She wasn’t afraid to do anything her creative urges told her to do. She was about as glamorous as it got back in the early 80’s before big hair, stone-washed jeans and shoulder-pads began to cover the landscape.


Debbie had a style all her own. Of course, she would eventually succumb to the big hair phenomenon like everyone else. But she did it while retaining her own style. One that no one else could quite pull off.


Blondie broke up in 1982 (they would get back together off and on over the years) and Debbie would pursue a solo career with success. I always found her fascinating to watch and would now and again check in with her career over the years.

Debbie Harry (12)

What I find fascinating now that I’m older, is how you become so nostalgic for the interests of your youth. Some fade and become idle curiosities – namely, why did I ever like so-and-so in the first place. But that has never been the case with Debbie. I’m still as fascinated by her today as I was way back when. A true sign of a class act if ever there was one.


I think the reason Debbie Harry has retained her mystic over the years is because she never followed trends. She was a true original back when that not only was tolerated in the music industry, but lauded. Her fan base was broad and she had fans young and old, not just because of her music but also her beauty and screen presence.


And like every other aging fanboy, the older I get I inevitably delve deeper into the past looking for connections to it. Debbie is no exception. I’ve only recently found out that before her musical career, she was a model and, incredibly, a playboy bunny at one point. Interesting how her photos are so tame compared to today. I love their artistic aesthetic, in addition to Debbie’s raw beauty.






Debbie is still fearless today, posing topless. She is still a very hot momma, in my humble opinion.


It’s a testament to Debbie’s artistic leanings that none of these images are gratuitous. They all have some intrinsic value in addition to capturing Debbie’s physical beauty back when she was truly in her rock goddess prime.


Debbie has always been a flirt both on and off stage, as evidenced by this great candid below. Proving that blondes do have more fun.


I’ll always love this Blonde bombshell. The Rock Goddess with a Heart of Glass captured mine a long, long time ago.


She survived disco, after all, coming through it unscathed. No easy task for a time when so many lost their artistic souls.


This is how I’ll always remember Blondie when I first met her, up on my brother’s wall…


And this is how the Rock Goddess looks today: formidable while still beautiful, and ready to kick some ass!

3 Responses to “Blondie: Rock Goddess with a Heart of Glass”

  1. Cindy Bruchman October 3, 2015 at 5:35 pm #

    I think she’s so beautiful with more class and charisma ant talent than Madonna. And today she looks better than ever! Awesome tribute.

  2. Iowa Life October 3, 2015 at 9:14 pm #

    That first photo is my favorite. Try and explain charisma.

  3. distantshipsmoke October 4, 2015 at 11:37 am #

    I always liked her singing, beautiful girl. Those are all great photographs.

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